Route 287 Mapping Project
TWT established a horizontal (NAD 83 – NSRS 2007) and vertical (NAVD 88), geodetic control network by GPS fast static, RTK and RTN (VRS) methods utilizing NGS high-order control points identified by NJDOT-Geodetic Survey located near the project area, for the purpose of low altitude aerial photography targeting within the project limits. This work was…
Route 295 Mapping Project
TWT established a horizontal (NAD 83-NSRS 2007) and vertical (NAVD 88), geodetic control network by GPS fast static, methods referenced to NGS high-order control points located near the project area identified by the NJ Geodetic Control Survey, for the purpose of low altitude aerial photography targeting within the project limits, as part of the previous…
- Land Surveying
- Topographic Surveys
- Boundary/ALTA Surveys
- ROW Determination
- Utility Location Surveys
- Construction Stakeout
- Hydrographic/Bathymetric Surveys
- Aerial Survey Control
- As-Built Surveys
- High-Precision Facility Surveys
- High Order Geodetic Control Surveys
- GIS Data Acquisition
- 3D Laser Scanning
- 3D GPS Machine Control Digital Terrain Models
- Site/Civil Engineering
- Transportation Engineering
- Subsurface Utility Engineering
- Environmental Geology
- Infrastructure Design & Analysis
- Geospatial Services
- Construction Inspection Services