AFL Web Printing
AFL Web Printing contracted Taylor Wiseman & Taylor (TWT) to support their Industrial Site Recovery Act (ISRA) compliance needs for their two printing facilities as required by a proposed change in company ownership. TWT conducted Preliminary Assessments (PAs) to inventory hazardous substances and petroleum products managed at the facilities and to identify potential areas of…
Bensalem Quick & Clean Car Wash
A car wash with an attached gasoline station in Bensalem, PA detected a leaking super grade underground storage tank (UST) based on inventory results in 2004. The inventory record indicated a release of approximately 1,800 gallons of product had occurred. Taylor Wiseman & Taylor was retained to provide remedial investigation services in compliance with Pennsylvania’s…
Childrens Hospital of Philadelphia – Mount Laurel
The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia proposed the development of a hospital on a former agricultural field in Mt. Laurel, NJ. The Preliminary Assessment (PA) identified historic pesticide use as an area of concern onsite. The property owner entered into New Jersey’s Voluntary Cleanup Program in furtherance of a No Further Action (NFA) letter. Taylor Wiseman…
Folcroft Groundwater Contamination
Groundwater contamination was detected at this Delaware County, PA industrial property during a Phase II Environmental Site Assessment (ESA) completed for the owner. The property did not appear to be the source of the contamination; however, substantial additional investigations and expense would be required to demonstrate the contamination was from an offsite and upgradient source…
Fries Mill Manor Care – Voluntary Clean-Up Program
A commercial development company proposed the development of a skilled nursing facility on this 13-acre brownfield located in Gloucester County, NJ. The Preliminary Assessment (PA) identified historic pesticide use, vehicle maintenance operations, and vapor intrusion pathways as areas of concern onsite. The property owner entered into New Jersey’s Voluntary Cleanup Program in furtherance of an…
GS Realty Site Remediation Investigation
Taylor Wiseman & Taylor completed the remedial investigation and issued a site-wide Response Action Outcome (RAO) for this 9.4-acre property proposed for residential development. The work was completed by a Licensed Site Remediation Professional (LSRP) under New Jersey’s Site Remediation Reform Act (SRRA). The Preliminary Assessment identified one area of concern (AOC): Historic agricultural use…
Herrs Facility Site Remediation
This food distribution facility detected a leak originating from the underground piping connected to the above ground storage tank (AST) used for fueling the delivery vehicles. To bring this site into compliance and protect the neighboring properties the owner contacted TWT to conduct site investigation and remediation in accordance with Pennsylvania’s Corrective Action Program (CAP)…
Lester Glenn Automotive
The Lester Glenn Auto Group retained Taylor Wiseman & Taylor (TWT) to support acquisition of an automobile dealership on a nearly 10-acre parcel in Toms River, New Jersey. TWT conducted a Phase I Environmental Site Assessment (ESA) and remedial investigation under the direction of TWT’s Licensed Site Remediation Professional (LSRP) in compliance with New Jersey’s…
Liberty Gas – Frankford Avenue
A gasoline station on Frankford Avenue in Philadelphia, PA was upgrading its underground storage tank (UST) system when gasoline vapors were detected in soil. All of the work required by Pennsylvania’s Corrective Action Program (CAP) for USTs and Act 2, the site investigation and remediation, for release of liability is 100% reimbursable by USTIF. Services…
McGuire / Fort Dix Housing
Taylor Wiseman & Taylor was contracted by United Communities, LLC (UC) to team with them for the privatization of military housing at McGuire Air Force Base and Fort Dix in Burlington County, New Jersey. The project consists of replacing the “stereotypical” military-style housing on the bases, most of which are in questionable condition, with more…
Woodbine Landfill Brownfield Redevelopment
Taylor Wiseman & Taylor was retained by Woodbine Borough to conduct a voluntary remediation program for the former 115-acre Foundations and Structures Landfill in Woodbine. The excellent rail access and other site attributes prompted consideration of the former landfill for re-development for a renewable energy ethanol fuel manufacturing facility. TWT has provided the following services…