Marne Highway Transmission Main
Taylor Wiseman & Taylor (TWT) performed surveying services required for base map preparation and prepared engineering design of 10,000 LF of 20-inch C.L.D.I.P. water main, 3,800 LF of 16-inch C.L.D.I.P. water main and related appurtenances along Marne Highway. The project included a 600 foot horizontal directional drill of 20-inch HDPE water main beneath Parker’s Creek….
Liberty Walk North at Liberty State Park
Taylor Wiseman & Taylor (TWT) provided preliminary and final engineering plans as well as construction management services as part of the final link of the walkway along the Hudson River and Morris Canal at Liberty State Park in Jersey City, New Jersey. This 1,600-foot walkway includes shoreline protection, cut-off wall, reinforced steel piling, precast concrete…