Marne Highway Transmission Main
Taylor Wiseman & Taylor (TWT) performed surveying services required for base map preparation and prepared engineering design of 10,000 LF of 20-inch C.L.D.I.P. water main, 3,800 LF of 16-inch C.L.D.I.P. water main and related appurtenances along Marne Highway. The project included a 600 foot horizontal directional drill of 20-inch HDPE water main beneath Parker’s Creek….
Jennings Road Bridge
Taylor Wiseman & Taylor (TWT) provided complete Design, Construction Management and Inspection Services for the replacement of a timber bridge, Jennings Road over Sharp’s Run, with a pre-stressed concrete box beam bridge. The existing bridge was a 22’ span by 17’ wide, single-lane timber bridge, on concrete abutments. The new structure is a 26’ span…
Commerce Bank Driveway Expansion
Taylor Wiseman & Taylor (TWT) provided land surveying and civil engineering services for Commerce Bank. The project involved performing a Boundary & Topographic Survey of the existing features to create a base plan. The base plan was then used to design additional parking, a driveway expansion and a 335 square foot building addition. TWT provided…
University of Delaware Interdisciplinary Science and Engineering Lab
Taylor Wiseman & Taylor was recently selected to perform this as-built survey in order for our client to obtain final approval from the local authorities. The as-built survey covered common areas, courtyard and exterior, the instructional wing, the research wing, and all newly constructed structures within the property, both above and below the ground. The…