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Barnegat Bay Watershed – Subsurface Gravel Wetlands
Taylor Wiseman & Taylor (TWT), part of a team of leading hydrologists in the State hired by Ocean County, helped design Subsurface Gravel Wetlands in order to reduce the amount of nitrogen entering Barnegat Bay through stormwater. Barnegat Bay has been classified as highly eutrophic by both State and Federal authorities. This eutrophication, which threatens…
Fortescue State Marina Bulkhead Repairs
Taylor Wiseman & Taylor, in conjunction with S.T. Hudson Engineers, provided design services to stabilize and provide the anchorage system for an existing cantilever design aluminum bulkhead that was leaning toward the water due to a lack of tie-back system. STH provided the design on the anchorage system using a “deadman” system with vertical and…
Gully Run Floodplain Study
Taylor Wiseman & Taylor (TWT) performed a detailed floodplain analysis for Gully Run along 1,300 LF of an open 12’ wide by 6’ high concrete and stone drainage channel. The analysis included sections covered by an existing building and two driveways, and the waterway that passes through a concrete arch culvert under Belmont Avenue in…
Hanover Gas Main Replacement
Taylor Wiseman & Taylor provided surveying, environmental and civil design services for replacement of eight miles of existing natural gas transmission main. The main delivers gas from a Texas Eastern Gate Station, and is a major supplier to the New Jersey Natural Gas Northern Division in Morris County. The gas main runs through rough terrain…
Kittatinny Valley State Park New Entrance Road
Taylor Wiseman & Taylor provided surveying, engineering, landscape design, environmental assessment/permitting and construction management services to the Division of Parks and Forestry through the Department of Treasury, Division of Property Management and Construction on this project. Construction was completed on the new entrance road for Kittatinny Valley State Park, located in Andover, Sussex County, New…
Medford Interconnection Pipeline
Taylor Wiseman & Taylor (TWT) delineated wetlands, performed field surveying to develop base mapping, and prepared engineering design for 8,500 feet of 16-inch water transmission main to supplement Medford Township’s water supply. Design included a Water Booster/Chlorination Station situated in a township park to increase pressure and provide treatment for the piped water prior to…
Off Highway Vehicle Park
Taylor Wiseman & Taylor (TWT) was retained by Atlantic Grand Prix to develop a site plan for what was to be the first Off Highway Vehicle Park on a tract of land known as the Shoreline Gravel Pit. The proposed site encompassed 96 wooded acres containing existing trails, a mined gravel pit and an old…
Pencoyd Bridge
Taylor Wiseman and Taylor (TWT) provided complete Design Services for the rehabilitation of the existing three-span steel bridge over the Schuylkill River that connects Lower Merion and Manayunk, PA. The structure, originally built in 1900 as a railroad bridge, consists of two 183-foot truss spans and one built-up through-plate girder span. The plate girder span…
Pohatcong Lake Dam Replacement & Roadway Reconstruction
TWT provided design services to replace the existing primary spillway and discharge structure on heavily-traveled Route 9 in Tuckerton, NJ, and to upgrade the dam to comply with current NJDEP DSS regulations. The project included relocating the primary spillway some 300 feet west of the existing, construction of a 151-foot long semi-circular, two-stage concrete ogee-shaped…
Repaupo Creek Levee Reconstruction
Taylor Wiseman & Taylor (TWT) was selected to provide design and permitting services for Phase II of the levee reconstruction. The project area is approximately 4,000 linear feet long on New Jersey’s Delaware River shoreline. The existing unprotected levee will be improved to the current published guidelines of the US Army Corp of Engineers. The…
Route 9 Over Main Street Bridge Replacement
Taylor Wiseman & Taylor (TWT) provided complete Design Services for the replacement of the existing superstructure, and much of the substructure, of the Route 9 Bridge over Main Street (CR 514). The average traffic volumes on Route 9 exceed 50K vehicles per day. The Bridge, constructed in 1937, consisted of a concrete-encased steel beam main…
Spicers Creek Boat Ramp Replacement
Taylor Wiseman & Taylor was selected for design services to repair the boat ramp at the Spicers Creek boat access in Lower Township, Cape May, New Jersey. The existing ramp was in disrepair, having been constructed of Articulated Concrete Blocks that had become undermined and no longer provided a usable surface. The new ramp was…
SR 87-754 Over Mehoopany Creek Bridge Replacement
The Mehoopany Bridge project included the re-alignment of SR 87 and the construction of a new bridge over Mehoopany Creek. TWT was responsible for the extensive Hydrology and Hydraulic Analysis of the Mehoopany Creek and Watershed, as well as the design of the replacement structure. The Mehoopany Watershed encompasses approximately 122 square miles. One of…
Sugar Hill Bridge Over Babcock Creek
Taylor Wiseman & Taylor provided complete Design and Construction Inspection services for the rehabilitation of a bridge near the intersection of NJ Route 40 and Somers Point-Mays Landing Road (CR 559) over Babcock Creek for the Atlantic County Engineering Department. The design phase included evaluation of the existing bridge deck to determine the limits of…
Weatherby Master Plan
Taylor Wiseman & Taylor prepared the initial planning studies and sewerage facilities master plan for the proposed 4,500 unit residential/commercial development project in Woolwich Township, Gloucester County, New Jersey. Woolwich Township has been one of the fastest growing communities in the country. The summary of the Master Plan provided for the interim use of adjoining…