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Burlington Waterfront Promenade

The Waterfront Promenade is an award-winning project that provides access to the Delaware River in the Historic City of Burlington. Taylor Wiseman & Taylor’s design for the mile-long stretch of waterfront included major public spaces, small seating areas, playgrounds, tot lots parking facilities, bicycle and pedestrian paths and a boat ramp. Landscaping, decorative railings, attractive…

Marne Highway Transmission Main

Taylor Wiseman & Taylor (TWT) performed surveying services required for base map preparation and prepared engineering design of 10,000 LF of 20-inch C.L.D.I.P. water main, 3,800 LF of 16-inch C.L.D.I.P. water main and related appurtenances along Marne Highway. The project included a 600 foot horizontal directional drill of 20-inch HDPE water main beneath Parker’s Creek….

Jennings Road Bridge

Taylor Wiseman & Taylor (TWT) provided complete Design, Construction  Management and Inspection Services for the replacement of a timber bridge, Jennings Road over Sharp’s Run, with a pre-stressed concrete box beam bridge. The existing bridge was a 22’ span by 17’ wide, single-lane timber bridge, on concrete abutments. The new structure is a 26’ span…

Commerce Bank Driveway Expansion

Taylor Wiseman & Taylor (TWT) provided land surveying and civil engineering services for Commerce Bank. The project involved performing a Boundary & Topographic Survey of the existing features to create a base plan. The base plan was then used to design additional parking, a driveway expansion and a 335 square foot building addition. TWT provided…

Liberty Walk North at Liberty State Park

Taylor Wiseman & Taylor (TWT) provided preliminary and final engineering plans as well as construction management services as part of the final link of the walkway along the Hudson River and Morris Canal at Liberty State Park in Jersey City, New Jersey. This 1,600-foot walkway includes shoreline protection, cut-off wall, reinforced steel piling, precast concrete…

Pencoyd Bridge

Taylor Wiseman and Taylor (TWT) provided complete Design Services for the rehabilitation of the existing three-span steel bridge over the Schuylkill River that connects Lower Merion and Manayunk, PA. The structure, originally built in 1900 as a railroad bridge, consists of two 183-foot truss spans and one built-up through-plate girder span. The plate girder span…

University of Delaware Interdisciplinary Science and Engineering Lab

Taylor Wiseman & Taylor was recently selected to perform this as-built survey in order for our client to obtain final approval from the local authorities. The as-built survey covered common areas, courtyard and exterior, the instructional wing, the research wing, and all newly constructed structures within the property, both above and below the ground. The…