Constructed around 1955, this existing interchange in West Deptford, NJ was very substandard in regard to ramp radii, crossroad geometry, profiles and bridge clearance over I-295. Taylor Wiseman & Taylor was selected to provide final design engineering services under the Section 1AW Project. As part of the project, TWT also performed the preliminary and final design for 1,400 linear feet of pre-cast post and panel noise walls. The noise barrier design required the construction of 90 augured post hole foundations of up to 13 feet in depth.
Numerous underground utilities were found to run primarily parallel and contiguous with the proposed noise barrier alignment. These facilities included gas, electric, water and multiple sanitary force mains. TWT recommended the application of full SUE techniques (up to and including Quality Level A), including the vacuum excavation and survey of 20 test holes, to insure a design that would avoid costly relocation or impact of the utilities.
The NJ Department of Transportation accepted the recommendation and TWT was able to avoid relocation of the utility facilities, which was originally budgeted for nearly $1 million. The design schedule was also significantly reduced due to the avoidance of the lengthy process required by statute for utility relocations. Construction was completed without encountering, or impacting, any of the numerous underground utilities in the immediate project area.