• Focused on the Future, Built on Tradition,
    Committed to Excellence... Since 1901

  • Focused on the Future, Built on Tradition,
    Committed to Excellence... Since 1901

Mercer County Sign Management

The FHWA proposed updated sign standards in the 2009 Edition of the MUTCD Manual which included more stringent retro-reflectivity requirements for regulatory, warning and guide signs. In response to the FHWA directives, the DVRPC initiated a Local Sign Upgrade and Management Planning Initiative (administered by Mercer County) that was used to develop a systematic program to manage roadway sign inventories. There are approximately 17,000 roadway signs under Mercer County jurisdiction, including signs associated with 20 park drives, 80 parking lots, 4 golf courses, 133 off-system drainage structures, the Trenton-Mercer Airport, school signs on County routes, signs on municipal roads approaching County intersections, and signal mast-arm signs for 200 traffic signal locations.

Taylor Wiseman & Taylor was tasked with (1) Conducting a county-wide inventory of sign location, condition, and physical features; (2) Performing retro-reflectivity measurements on regulatory and warning signs; (3) Creating, from the data collected, a comprehensive and maintainable Sign Inventory Asset Management System compatible with the County’s current ArcGIS software and capabilities; (4) Developing a priority ranking for sign replacement based on the estimated remaining service life; and (5) Summarizing non-compliant signs and proposing corrective measures in a project report. TWT has guided all phases of the GIS process for this project, from geodatabase design, to applications development, data conversion, and lastly, systems integration.

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