Taylor Wiseman & Taylor (TWT) provided complete Design, Construction Management and Inspection Services for the replacement of a timber bridge, Jennings Road over Sharp’s Run, with a pre-stressed concrete box beam bridge.
The existing bridge was a 22’ span by 17’ wide, single-lane timber bridge, on concrete abutments. The new structure is a 26’ span by 46’ wide, two-lane pre-stressed concrete box beam with a 16’ wide, mixed-use pedestrian walkway, supported on concrete pile caps with timber piles and steel sheeting wing/retaining walls. A steel-sheeted permanent cofferdam was utilized to maintain a dry construction site and was subsequently cut off and left in place to protect the concrete pile cap and provide scour protection.
The design included hydraulic analysis and hydraulic design and securing the necessary permits for NJDEP; survey and base mapping; geotechnical investigation and design; roadway realignment and design; structural design (abutments, bridge and sheeting retaining wall); and complete final construction documents.
Jennings Road was detoured around the construction area during replacement of the Bridge. Construction Management and Inspection Services included review of all shop drawing submittals, answering construction questions, daily site inspection, precast beam inspection, preparation of as-built drawings, and certification of all work performed. The review of shop drawing submittals included steel sheeting, materials, timber piles, pre-stressed concrete beams, concrete mix design, reinforcement steel, pile hammer and vibratory hammer. The daily site inspection entailed inspection of materials, installation of steel sheeting abutments and wing/retaining walls, installation and log recording for timber piles, placement of reinforcement steel for, concrete pile caps, deck slab, sidewalks, and parapets, and guiderail and fence installation. Services also included on-site inspection at the precast plant for fabrication of the prestressed concrete box beams (tensioning of the strands, steel reinforcement and concrete). TWT prepared as-built drawings and certified all work performed for Burlington County, as well as worked with the County to resolve all punch list items.