Taylor Wiseman & Taylor completed the remedial investigation and issued a site-wide Response Action Outcome (RAO) for this 9.4-acre property proposed for residential development. The work was completed by a Licensed Site Remediation Professional (LSRP) under New Jersey’s Site Remediation Reform Act (SRRA).
The Preliminary Assessment identified one area of concern (AOC): Historic agricultural use of the property which included orchards and farmed fields and extended from prior to 1954 to at least 1995. At the time of the Preliminary Assessment, the property was vacant, not developed and not being farmed and was slowly being naturally re-vegetated.
Soil investigation did not identify any target constituents in soil at concentrations above their respective residential direct contact soil remediation standards (RDCSRS). TWT developed a site specific impact to ground water (IGW) soil remediation standard (SRS) using the synthetic leaching precipitation procedure 9SPLP) and determined most historic method detection levels met their respective IGW SRS. A technical waiver was developed by the LSRP to address the few method detection levels that did not meet their respective IGWSRS.