A commercial development company proposed the development of a skilled nursing facility on this 13-acre brownfield located in Gloucester County, NJ. The Preliminary Assessment (PA) identified historic pesticide use, vehicle maintenance operations, and vapor intrusion pathways as areas of concern onsite. The property owner entered into New Jersey’s Voluntary Cleanup Program in furtherance of an Unrestricted Use – No Further Action (NFA) letter.
TWT Provided the Following Services in Accordance with NJDEP Technical Requirements for Site Remediation:
Site Investigation (SI) and Remedial Investigation (RI) of areas of concern including:
Remedial Action (RA) of impacted areas
TWT’s professionals worked diligently to obtain State and local approvals, which maintained the cost-effectiveness of the project. TWT negotiated several waivers to the Technical Regulations, which saved the client approximately $25,000 while remaining on schedule for construction.