Taylor Wiseman & Taylor, in conjunction with S.T. Hudson Engineers, provided design services to stabilize and provide the anchorage system for an existing cantilever design aluminum bulkhead that was leaning toward the water due to a lack of tie-back system. STH provided the design on the anchorage system using a “deadman” system with vertical and diagonally set timber piles. TWT provided complete site surveying, renovation of the storm drain system, and redesign of roadway grading to provide positive drainage control. Construction of the anchorage system required removal of significant portions of roadway pavement. The existing drainage system added to the problems of the bulkhead stability.
During the design phase, it was determined that electrical distribution to the docks and piers was non-compliant with existing codes. TWT used the services of Concord Atlantic Engineers to design a new electrical distribution system along with detail for future connection of individual boat slip services.